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B2C: B2C or \"Business To Consumer\" characterizes the trade of a company towards individuals.

B2G: B2G or \"Business To Government\" characterizes trade with government organizations and administrations.

Bank reconciliation: is the control to identify the differences between the bank balance mentioned on the bank statement and the accounting balance of the bank account. A bank reconciliation report (ERB) is generated at the end of the control.

Clearance: The Clearance model allows the Tax Authorities to track transactions in real time and secures the collection of VAT through CTC (Continuous Transaction Control).

Cryptography. Discipline including the principles, means and methods of transforming data in order to hide its content, prevent its modification from going unnoticed and/or prevent its unauthorized use (ISO 7498-2).\r\n

DGFiP: The General Directorate of Public Finance is, in broad terms, the central public administration of France under the Ministry of the Economy, Finance and Recovery. This administrative instruction is known as 'Bercy' because of its central location in the heart of this district. As far as electronic invoicing is concerned, the DGFiP is the reference partner. Moreover, it was the DGFiP that announced the electronic transition currently underway.

EFI (Electronic Form Exchange): Method of electronic transmission of tax returns to the tax authorities, social organizations and third parties. 

ETR (Bank Reconciliation Statement): Statement allowing you to reconcile at the same date, either at the end of each month or at the accounting closing date, the bank balance mentioned on your bank statement and the one appearing in the accounting.

Electronic invoice: An electronic invoice is an invoice that has been issued, transmitted and received in a structured electronic format that allows its automatic and electronic processing. Just like a traditional paper invoice, it must contain all the required information.

Invoice rejection: An invoice rejection can occur when the invoice that is issued and transmitted on a dematerialization platform does not contain all the mandatory information expected.

New directory: It is a centralized file managed by the tax authorities. Companies will be identified by a unique identifier to simplify exchanges.\r\n\r\nThe directory will allow access to specific information such as the platform used or other information useful for tracking and sending invoices.

OAIS Standard or Reference Model for an archiving system describes the responsibilities, functions and relationships with an electronic archiving system to ensure the sustainability of digital information

Qualification. Qualification is designed to ensure that security products (hardware or software) and trusted service providers meet the needs of government agencies. According to decree no. 2010-112 of February 2, 2010, the use of qualified products and services is the norm for government agencies, with justified exceptions. The ANSSI directly qualifies security products at three levels: elementary, standard and reinforced, depending on their resistance to increasingly sophisticated attacks. For service providers, qualification is granted by a COFRAC-accredited body authorized by ANSSI. Categories currently qualified or in the process of being qualified include electronic certification services, SSI audits, cloud computing (in progress), security incident detection (in progress) and security incident response (in progress). A catalog of qualified products and suppliers is available on the Agency's website, and within ANSSI, the Qualifications and Approvals Office of the Expertise Sub-Directorate is in charge of these missions.

Refusal of invoice: The refusal of invoice is to be distinguished from the rejection. In the case of a refusal, the invoice is issued and sent to the recipient but the recipient refuses it because he does not agree to pay it.

Référentiel général de sécurité (RGS). The RGS encompasses all the guidelines defined by ANSSI in accordance with Order no. 2005-1516 of December 8, 2005. These directives govern various functions crucial to information security, such as electronic signature, authentication, confidentiality and time-stamping, in the context of electronic exchanges between users and administrative authorities, as well as between administrative authorities themselves.\r\n

Scheme Y: is a process of electronic issue and transmission (e-invoicing, e-reporting) involving several actors:\r\n\r\nFrom the issuing Company, through the PPF or PDP , to the receiving Company (b2b) or the tax authorities (b2g).\r\n

The Agence nationale de la sécurité des systèmes d'information (ANSSI), part of the Secrétariat général de la défense et de la sécurité nationale (SGDSN) under the authority of the Prime Minister, is the national body responsible for securing and overseeing digital development. As a key player in cybersecurity, it provides expertise and technical support to government agencies and businesses, with a particular focus on operators of vital importance (OIV). Its role encompasses surveillance, detection, warning and response to cyber-attacks.

eIDAS or The eIDAS Regulation. is primarily aimed at public sector entities and trust service providers operating within the European Union. It establishes a European framework for electronic identification and trust services, with the aim of facilitating the emergence of a digital single market. In particular, it covers electronic signatures and repeals Directive 1999/93/EC. ANSSI is one of the national bodies responsible for implementing this regulation.

non-repudiation is the fact of ensuring that a contract, especially a contract signed via the Internet, cannot be called into question by one of the parties.

Automatic staple (finishing). A finisher automatically staples documents that can typically comprise up to 50 sheets. Some high-end finishers allow stapling of documents comprising up to 100 sheets.  Please note though, in some cases the stapling capacity in A3 format decreases by half.




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